On Saturday morning, I played softball. Given the general theme of this blog, however, it was not without a run. Roughly 8.1 miles from house to home, as it were.
I started at 6:30am as 8 miles usually takes anywhere from 55 minutes (when I’m feeling it) to 1:05 (when I’m not). It was 78 degrees with 80% humidity and a dew point that was equally disturbing. My plan was to arrive around 7:45 at Normoyle Park, wipe down, cool off, and get swinging. I planned the route the day before at work – the normal St. Mary’s route through Downtown, out and about in the King William district, and then the West Side. What a story. Ha.
As the sun had barely crested the skyline, not a lot of folks were up. It was quiet. I saw quite a few runners, but they had opted to take other routes. I was alone on the road I chose. Given the high number of abandoned dogs, buildings, and cars, things came to the West side to die. Or biodegrade. Whatever.
The dogs were a bother. Oddly enough, the most prominent breed (if this term even applies) to give chase was the Chihuahua. Scary little things. I never ran without two or three rocks in my hand, but then again I never needed to throw them. Most of the wild dogs were either emaciated or bloated – natural world’s version of the have and have-nots I suppose. It was easy to discern which were female; their swollen nipples hung low and swung in synch with their apprehensive strides. Forced to bear life, but perpetually scared of most living things. Man, that was sad.
After turning on Theo St., I knew it was around 2 miles of boring straight. I dropped the pace to around 6:50 to make it to the softball field in time. Perhaps a part of me needed to leave that area as fast as possible. Regardless, I made it with plenty of time to spare. I was received with a bit of fanfare: “You ran from where?!” – “Not the entire 8 miles, right?!” – “And you can still stand?!” As it was Japanese people asking me these questions, I did my best to downplay my achievements and even apologized. There are reasons I had to do this, but they won’t be included in this entry.

Despite wide smiles and booming laughter, a Japanese ex-high school baseball players’ seriousness is crystal clear. Drop a ball, and you’ll hear it. Make a good play, however, and you are showered with reserved praise. It’s a rollercoaster and the ride can easily make one sick. After making some plays that ranged from bone-headed to Mantle-esque, I decided to get off – lay back a bit. I don’t like team sports. Never have. Reviewing what I’m good at (track & field, golf, fishing, running, tennis) I realized I didn’t belong on the field. Heck, I was wearing a running top, tennis shorts and soccer cleats. I was all wrong in right field.

Here are pictures. Of M and myself. I’ll post later about the results of the “Friendship Match” between countries.