First trail race. Done.
Started out fast as the route became single track almost immediately -- didn't want to get stuck behind the crowd. Started in 5th and kept that position for the first 2.5 miles. I was passed by 2 different people by mile 3 and then again at mile 4. By mile 5, I reeled in the guy who was originally sitting in 4th. I ran completely alone from mile 5 to mile 10.5. First 5 miles: 40:42.
The course was terribly twisted and very technical. I was engaging all of my core muscles just to stay balanced during the innumerable dips, turns, and inclines. And that was only the first 6 miles. I tried sucking down a GU, but my stomach wasn't having it. I almost threw it up and decided right then against energy later in the run. From mile 6 on, a lot of the course was soft pine needle/packed dirt/loose rock. There was, however, quite a few areas with loose sand that completely sucked the life out of my legs. Ugh. I began to hurt around the second aid station (mile 10.5). When I stopped to fill up my water, I was passed again putting me back in 8th. Second 5 miles: 42:33.
This is when the hills came. In droves. Unrelenting. Two back-to-back series of around 6 hills completely took whatever energy I had left and crushed it. Around mile 11 was the first walk (5 seconds). I started the geriatric shuffle shortly after that, but was able to regain form on the flatter portion. Still, there was very little flat in that course. The loose rock made the climbs even worse, and the descents more dangerous. Oh yeah...this is about the time it hit around 82 degrees. I walked 2-3 times after this and for always less than 15 seconds, but I was struggling. I wanted fuel, but my stomach was being a bitch. At around the time I decided I couldn't take this crap anymore, the downhills started. I floored it. I was pushing 6:30s and then it started to flatten out. And then climb again. I was about to start another walk when I noticed some flags; I had only 800 or so meters left to the finish. I punched it and was able to hold on to 8th place. Last 5.5 miles: 44:25
2:07:40 -- PR (impossible NOT to on a first)
Overall - 8th
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