2.21.09 – ‘diploma dash’ – 5K city championship

Given the prize money, this race usually boasts a very strong field. This year was no different. Regardless, coming off a series of good training weeks and races, I felt comfortable lining up behind the likes of Keating, Hunter-Galvan (former Olympian) and Keena. I was looking for a sub-19 and knew this crowd would set the pace accordingly.

After the initial sprint out of the gates, I settled into a solid sub-6 pace. I intended to run this until around the first major turn, but I felt good and rolled just behind the lead pack. After about 0.5 miles in, three or four runners started to pull away and that’s when I decided to cool the jets. I was still on the heels of Galvan (consistent 17s for the 5K) and knew that this would only end up hurting me later.

The course was billed as “flat and fast,” but the first mile was nothing but rolling and somewhat challenging. I hit a 6:20ish split and panicked because the intensity felt somewhere between high 5:50s and low 6s. Still, it helped that this was on the campus of UTSA. Since I went to this school for 3 semesters, I was familiar with the layout. I knew the remaining portion of the course would be flat and slightly downhill, so I attacked.

5:37 for the second mile was ridiculous, though. That wasn’t me. I don’t run those splits comfortably and it showed. I started to struggle towards the end and was passed by a couple of strong masters runners (notorious in this city). As I approached what I believed was the final turn, I began a kick of sorts only to realize I was off by about .3 miles. Although my turnover was still somewhere in the low 6s, mentally I was done.

When the finish clock came into view, it read 18:3x. Realistically, given the early kick, I was about 30 seconds out. Lord knows I’m a realist, but I decided to give it a go. I started to spread it out and pump the arms. I focused on a couple of nearby runners and just gassed it. I looked back at the clock with about 100 meters to go and it read 18:40. I knew I had it licked, but I sprint like a fool anyway. When I crossed the finish line, I pumped my arms and let out a victorious, “Yatta!” Why Japanese? I’m not sure. The spectators laughed at my enthusiasm. I would have too.

18:53 – PR

Overall – 29/912
Age Group – 2/55


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